Humana Comfort Expert, for flatulence, constipation and colic of three months, special food for digestive problems, with decomposed proteins, from birth, 350 g
Special food for the treatment of flatulence, colic and constipation can support digestion due to its special composition and help normalize the chair model
The natural milk of milk contained in milk powder leads to softer and less constipation, while decomposed proteins facilitate digestion and weaken the chairs.
The low lactose content supports lighter digestion, reduces flatulence and ensures better tolerance
After consulting your doctor, baby milk can be used as only infants food if you do not breastfeed or as a supplement to breast milk - from birth
Delivery content includes 350 g of Humana Comfort Expert, special feed for flatulence, constipation and colic of three months
Product Description
Humana Comfort Expert, 350 g:
Humana Expert is our specialized food for infants and young children with special food needs, based on the latest scientific discoveries. It is suitable for the exclusive nutrition of infants at birth or for additional nutrition after month 6. Many babies suffer from functional gastrointestinal disorders, such as colic or constipation, if your baby's immature intestines have problems with digestion, this can lead to discomfort, abdominal pain and hard chairs. We have developed especially the Humana Comfort Expert to support the food management of infantile colic, constipation and associated symptoms.
Note: Please use only under medical supervision. According to only enteral nutrition. Do not let your child's bottle constantly suck it.
Humana. For me and mommy.
The product has the following properties:
»Special nutrition for infants and young children with special food needs
For flatulence, colic or constipation
»Content: 350 g
»1 package: about 25 bottles (100 ml each)
reduce colic
Do not warm up in microwave oven (risk risk)
Prepare fresh, nourish immediately and do not reuse the debris.
Every day, in Humana we are inspired by mothers and babies. We listen to what the mothers and what the babies need. We know breastfeeding is the best thing for babies. Based on the latest discoveries in nature and science, we develop foods for babies and young children for over 65 years.
Ingredients: maltodextrin, hydrolyzate of whey proteins, anhydrous milk fat, vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, sunflower), galacto-oligosaccharide (milk), palm seeds, calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid, potassium chloride , calcium carbonate, emulsifiants: bitartrate of choline, microalga oil schizochytrium sp., Sodium citrate, magnesium carbonate, alpine mortar, vitamin C, inositol, taurine, iron bisglycinated, zinc sulphate, nucleotides (citidin acid-5'-monophosphoric acid, sodium salts of uridine- 5'-phosphoric acid, acid adenosine 5'-phosphoric, sodium salts of innozin-5'-phosphoric acid, sodium salts of guanosine-5'-phosphoric acid), vitamin E, l-carnitine, niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin, citrate of potassium, copper sulphate, sodium sewage, vitamin A, vitamin D, sulfate manganese, iodine potassium, folic acid, vitamin K, biotin, vitamin B12.
Instructions for use
When preparing baby food, follow the instructions: clean the bottle, the nipple and the ring. Prepare each fresh meal. Feed immediately and do not reuse the debris. Incorrect preparation and storage can lead to health problems. Do not warm up in the microwave oven (risk of scraping).
1. Boil the water, allow it to cool to 50 ° C and fill half a clean bottle.
2. Remove the powder with the spoon provided and wipe it with the back of a knife or similar. Fill the required amount of powder in the glass.
3. Close the bottle and shake immediately energetically, then add the remaining water and shake again.
4. Attach Tetina and check the content for drinking temperature (37 ° C).
Packaged under protective atmosphere. The filling height for technical reasons. Important notes: Breastfeeding is the best diet for your child. Talk to your pediatrician or your midwife if you want to use the formula. Humana Comfort is based on a slightly degraded (hydrolyzed) whey protein and is not suitable for people with allergy to cow's milk, lactose intolerance or glucose and galactose disorders. Humana Comfort is intended for exclusive feeding of infants from birth or additional feeding after 6 months. According to only enteral nutrition. Use Humana Comfort only under medical supervision. Do not let the baby's bottle constantly suck it. Like breast milk, infants formulas contain carbohydrates, which can cause dental injury if they come into frequent or continuous contact with teeth.