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Piper negru întreg, 1 pachet (1 X 250 G)

Whole black pepper, 1 pack (1 x 250 g)

48,00 zł – 94,00 zł
Spices wagner piper whole whole black Black pepper is versatile in any kitchen. Whether as a whole grain, slightly crushed, ground or crushed, it gives each dish an intense and...
Șofran, 5 grame

Saffron, 5 grams

82,00 zł – 838,00 zł
♨️ Red gold - in addition to its health benefits, saffron can be used in many different ways in the kitchen. The saffron gives all the dishes - both desserts...
Ostmann, Amestec mediteranean de ierburi pentru tocănițe, pizza și paste, 35 grame

Ostmann, Mediterranean mixture of herbs for stews, pizza and pasta, 35 grams

19,00 zł – 36,00 zł
It gives the food the typical aroma of the French Provence. Large range of applications: for vegetables, soups, salads, marinas, fillings, fish and tasty pastries. Refine and flavor in one....
Scorțișoară măcinată (1 X 250 G)

Crushed cinnamon (1 x 250 g)

44,00 zł – 838,00 zł
Wagner crushed cinnamon has an intense aroma and refines all desserts, such as pudding, rice pudding or cream. The cinnamon has a good taste in cakes or pastries, and a...