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Milupino milk milk ready to drink (6x1l), from 1 year, for young children in the growth phase
109,00 zł – 430,00 zł
Milupino milk milk ready to drink is healthy and tasty contains many important nutrients for the healthy development of young children in the growth phase With calcium and vitamin D...
Hipp Bio, Pasta with wild salmon in gray cream sauce, 6 (6 x 250 g) package
82,00 zł
The organic sets for hipps around the world are easily cooked and come in a 250 g heart. Tasty menus contain valuable bio vegetables and their composition is adapted entirely...
Hipp bio-Ri-Riegel Müesli-Freund Elephant Butterkeks in Apfel-Vanille, 24er Pack (24 x 20 g)
99,00 zł
Einzigartig und Nur von Hipp: Müesli-Riegel mit geprägten fußspuren in elephant-optik Einzigigy Geschmacksrichtung Butterkeks in Apfel-Vanille Süße Nur Aus Früchten AB 1 Jahr Ideal Als Nachspeise Oder Für Zwischendrch. Praktisch...
Hipp Milchnahrung Ha Combiotik H1 Combiotik, 600g, 4er Pack (4 x 600g)
409,00 zł
Für Sensible Immunsysteme - Mit Hydrolisiertes Eweiß Natürliche Milchsäurekulturen - Ursprünglich aus Muttermilch Gewonnen Muttermilch Enthält eine Vielzahl Natürlicher Kulturen, Die Individuell Unterschiedlich Sein Können Wertvolle Ballaststoffe Gos Galactooligosaccharide Aus...
Danalac Babykekse Naturell, 120 g Snacks und nahrung für kleinkinder ab 6 montene mit kalzium, eisen und vitamin
17,00 zł
Bieten Sie Danalac-Kekse Direkt aus der Packung für einen leckeren leckerbissen an In Babymilch Oder Warmem Wasser Einweichen, UM iHr Baby Als Wunderbaren Snack Mit Dem Löffel Zu Füttern Leicht...
Hipp 100% organic juices, carrot multifruct, 6 (6 x 330 ml) package
60,00 zł
100% organic juice Rich in Vitamin C* supports the immune system and is important for iron absorption (* according to the law) No addition of sugar (fruits naturally contain sugar)...
Alete Bewusst Kinderkeks Schoko, AB DEM 8. Monat, Butterkeks Aus Weizen Für Kinder, Handlich Verpackte Kekse Als Kleiner Snack, Perfekt Für Unterwegs & Zwischendrch, 1 x 180 g
14,00 zł – 26,00 zł
Schokoladiger Genuss: Unsere Schokokekse Sollten in Maßen Vernascht Werden, Sindkt Zum Mitnehmen Geeignet, Eine Süße Auszeit Für Kleinkinder und Ein Leckerer Kau- und Knabberspaaß Mit Kakao Unbeschwerte Naschpause: Ausgewählte Zutaten...
12th month menus, 6 (6 x 250g) packs
45,00 zł – 836,00 zł
Bebivita menus are optimally adapted to the needs of your little sun and offer variety in the menu with many delicious assortments. They contain alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid...
Aptamil which pre - Milk initially from birth, with DHA, only lactose, no palm oil, baby food, milk powder, 1x 800 g
127,00 zł
Product Description The birth of your baby is the beginning of a very special time. This new section is beautiful, but sometimes cloudy and - above all - lively! Suddenly...
Hipp food with milk made from organic goat milk start, 5 x 400 g package)
533,00 zł – 836,00 zł
Made of goat's milk A2, which feels good for the baby's tummy Valuable fiber Gos * * galactooligozaccharides obtained from organic lactose Omega -3 fatty acids - DHA contribute to...
BANALAC BANALAC BISCUSITI, 120 g snacks and children's food from 6 months with calcium, iron and vitamins
17,00 zł
Provides Danalac cakes directly from the package for a tasty pampering Soak in baby milk or hot water to feed your baby as a wonderful snack Easily digested cakes enriched...
17,00 zł
Taste consciously fruity. Delicious pastry products from whole grains. With fruit filling. In organic quality. No palm oil. For a fruity and delicious snack break between meals or away. Ingredients/ingredients...
Hipp Milk Food Combiotik Milk for Children Organic Combiotik 2+, 4 x 600 grams
289,00 zł
Strong bones by vitamin D and calcium Healthy immune system due to vitamins A, C and D Supply with friendly energy children through a low protein content For normal thyroid...
Hipp organic food with organic milk 1, pack of 4 (4 x 600 g)
246,00 zł
Of course, as Hipp Bio - with the best in nature Contains all important nutrients for your baby's healthy development Contains DHA - required by law for infants formulas. Dha...
Menus from the 5th month Macaroons with tomato and vegetable sauce, pack 6 (6 x 190g)
35,00 zł – 836,00 zł
Bebivita menus in the 5th month contain valuable alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fat that contributes to the development of brain and nervous cells. They are carefully prepared, with the best...
Hipp organic fruits and mango cereals strawberries in apple puree with whole grains, pack of 6 (6x160g)
60,00 zł
Our range of premium hipping fruit promises a fresh, intense fruit and a taste full of fruit at the highest organic quality The selected organic fruits are freshly harvested, frozen...